Natal / Cariri / Pipa
In this tour you will have an unique opportunity to visit the Cariri Paraibano region. It is characterized by the beautiful rocky landscapes, located in the middle of the small forest called caatinga, it is known like a white vegetation. Where is located the beautiful Lajedo of Pai Mateus, the incredible Saca de Lã and the city of Cabaceiras, the tipical cowntryside village. We will also visit Itacoatiara do Ingá, one of the main archaeological monuments in Brazil, the city of Areia, “Ouro Preto do Nordeste”, where we will discover the secret of cachaça production and the charm of this city located in the interior of Paraiba state. In the sequence we will have the opportunity to know one of the most beautiful beaches of Northeast Brazil, Praia da Pipa, located in the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte state. Pipa is internationally known, cliffs, the Atlantic forest and nices beaches make the difference in this special place. We can not forget the rich culture and gastronomy.
Local de PartidaHotel
Horário de PartidaSaída de Natal às 10h30
Horário de retornoChegada em Natal prevista para às 18h30
Roupas e acessóriosRoupa confortável, protetor solar, Chapéu e óculos
InclusoNatal / Cariri / PipaTransladoGuia BilíngueGuia local
Não está inclusoAcomodaçãoCafé da manhã